Sunday, September 16, 2012


The experience in the simulator will be very diverse and complex like our dream. 
Continued >

The experience in the simulator will be very diverse and complex like our dream.
It’s ever changing and you have no control over it. The people should have this experience because it’s time to release ourselves from pre dominant conception which paralyzes us intellectually for over centuries. It’s time to embrace our own identity, consciousness, 
instinct, and our subjectivity. It’s time to stir up this static intellectual world, especially the architecture profession, where every single things architects touch become white, hygiene and rational. This notion is no longer fit in our context. We must be free and by free I mean free to become anything, embrace all the uncertainly and opportunity will come your way.

Therefore, the simulator will take you to places only your imagination can perceive. It will be deeply rooted in you and only you. Your intellectual capacity will be released and be free. You’ll be able to think from the guts feeling rather than using your rational thoughts. Your visual sense will be solely separated from your other sensory perception. You will be liberated from your visual sense, the only sense that have been predominant from your other sensory perception. You will not be able to rely on your visual but auditory. From your auditory, you imagination will start to guide you to new directions. It will leave you with ambiguity. Your rely purely on your subjectivity.

Your journey will start from the exhibition room on the first floor of Architecture faculty. You will be seated in wheelchair. You will be asked to be blind folded with thick black cloth. Your visual sensory will be dysfunction from here on out. Next, you will be asked to put on head phone. This head phone will guide you through out your fantasy surrealism journey with ambient noise projected and registered to your auditorial perception your imagination will start to create its narrative and this will be the bases of your guidance.

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