Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Simulator Manifesto (Rewrite)

When we were kids, growing up, we were taught by several people about several things. We did what we have been told are the right things to do. When we were teenager, we were curious and start to question things around us. We were ambitious and excited to find answers. We learn and know more from school and all the media that we have an access to. We began to filling in the gap in our head with our discoveries. As information was pouring into your head, it replaces the imagination that you used to fill in those gaps before as a young child.  You started to lose your tiny bit of fantasy day by day. You are increasingly bond to reality and engage them to your thought and mind.  You become so rational sometimes that you disregard the possibilities of the impossible. Do you miss dreaming the dream?

People stopped dreaming because daily life is so busy.  Most actions are repeating five days a week. They just accept it as it is and think of it as apart of what life should be. We started to loose ourselves to the robot world. We have encountered, realized and been through in life that makes you stop believing. Disappointments make you stopped imagining. It couldn’t be denied that the excitement and creativeness in life has faded. Suddenly, we fear of ourselves being ambitious. We fear to step a foot on the wrong path. We fear of making mistakes. We locked ourselves in a box. The box needed to be exploded. Isn’t it the dream that driven us to the point we are now? Isn’t it the ambition to reach the dream that make us a person we are today?

We have been through transformation in life. We have transit through many stages of experience, opportunity and etc. As we go through each transit, the one before is faded. Some take such along time but some take so little. It depends on how we perceive, how we react, how it effect us and how it was put and plug in to our memories that defines its value. 

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